Creating an API Key in Stay
Stay uses API keys to authenticate usage. Keys are managed inside the
Merchant Portal
Access API Keys by navigating to by navigating to Settings -> API Keys

Create a new API key by clicking the New API Key
button from the settings page.

When creating a new API Key you will be required to submit the following information.
- Name - This is the name you want to assign your API Key
- Description - A brief description of the API Keys purpose
- Email - The email address of the associated API Key Admin
- Scopes - The level of access your new API Key will have (More details below)
Stay uses Scopes to control API key access; you initiate scopes when creating a new API Key (See above section)
Here is a list of every scope currently available:
- All
- Read Subscriptions
- Update Subscriptions
- Delete Subscriptions
- Read Orders
- Read Webhooks
- Update Webhooks
- Delete Webhooks
- Read Selling Plan Groups
Testing your new Key
Authenticate Open API
Open Recipe